Tours Of St Andrews
Touring Ideas
Here is just a small selection of the wonderful range of tours that can be enjoyed here in St Andrews .
All Year
The Original St Andrews Witches Tour
From Tudor Inn car park, North Street. Times and days vary.
To book phone 01334 655057 for next tour. Tour lasts approx. 1 hour.
Advance booking advised. Other evenings arranged for groups (min 10 people) £6 / £4
April – October Fridays 8pm, June & July Tuesdays, Fridays & Sundays 8pm, October – April Fridays 7:30pm
*St Andrews Guided Walks
St Andrews KY16 9XT, Tel / Fax : 01334 850638, Email:
Tales of St Andrews past & present are revealed by qualified guides as you wander past the Cathedral, Castle, University and Old Course. An intriguing insight for all lasting approx. 1 ½ hours. PRIVATE TOURS ONLY Group rates, Cater for school parties & other children’s groups (from 50p per child)
Adult: £5; Concessions £4
*Walkabout Tours
Audio guided walking tour of St Andrews (with option of hiring overnight) Hear stories of town’s history. Tour will take 1 – 3 hours to complete depending on what sites are chosen to visit. Adult £5 per day – Family £15 per day
Deposit of £10 (refundable) is required. Discounted entry available to Golf Museum, Castle & Cathedral.
Available from St Andrews Tourist Information Centre, 70 Market Street, St Andrews. Tel: 01334 472021
*Scot Tracks
Personalised tours with professional guides in English and French. Town / city tours, whisky trails, walking tours and many more.
Contact Fiona or Mike Hardie Tel: 07979 590062 Email:
Guided activity holidays – nature walking, running, cycling. Tel: 01383 830202
Details on www.wildoutdoorsinfo Email
Summer Months Only
*Old Course Guided Walks
Short guided walks on the Old Course during summer 2003, staring at the shop behind the 18th green. Call St Andrews Links Trust on 01334 466666 for details
Email: or Fax: 01334 479555
*Crail Guided Walks
Discover the history of Crail. Walks are organised by local guides with a wealth of knowledge of local history, folklore and architecture. Walks are every Sunday from the last Sunday in June to the last Sunday in August. Meet at the Crail Museum at 2:15pm (weather permitting)
Official Tour of St Andrews University
The only tour to see inside major university buildings. Trace almost six centuries of history from medieval roots to the flourishing student life today. Each tour last 1 ½ hours, departs St Salvator’s Chapel Tower, North Street 11am & 2:30pm Monday to Friday £4.50 / £3.50 Tel:01334 462245, Fax:01334 463330.
Prices for 2002 – contact for updated prices
Open Top Bus
Daily Mid June – 1st October
Open top bus tour of the historic city of St Andrews from 9:30am & 10:30am then on the hour every hour from Church Street and 10:05 and then 35 past every hour from British Golf Museum. Adults £5, OAP / Students £4, Family £12.50, Child (5-15years) £2.50. Prices for 2002 – contact for updated prices.
*Anstruther Pleasure Trips
Daily Mid June – 1st October
Boat trips to the Isle of May to view large colonies of sea birds including puffins and a colony of grey seals. There are disabled toilets on the Isle of May but some landings may be difficult. One trip daily to the Isle of May from 1st May – 30 Sept. (closed Fri)
Adults £14, OAP £12, Children £6
Contact 01333 310103 or St Andrews or Anstruther Tourist Information Centres for sailing times.
The Home of Golf
You owe it to yourself to experience, at least once in your lifetime, the commonly accepted birthplace of golf – St. Andrews. St Andrews Golf Links has six beautiful courses.
Where To Stay
St Andrews has a range of quality accommodation, from hotels to guest houses. Here we recommend accommodation for you to book in order to fully enjoy your stay in Fife.
What makes St Andrews & Fife great?
About St Andrews has visitor information for accommodation in St Andrews, things to do when visiting and enjoying the spectacular selection of world famous golf courses in Fife, Scotland.

Education At St Andrews University
St Andrews is Scotland’s 1st University and the 3rd oldest in the UK, upholding academic excellence.

Exciting Outdoor Activities
A wide range of activities in St Andrews keep adults & children occupied and content.

Fantastic Accommodation
St Andrews has a range of quality accommodation, from hotels, guest houses and self catering.